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Svelte Bath Screen 900


  • Polished Stainless Steel


  • Svelte Bath Screen 900 (SBSSC0900)

All available spares for Svelte Bath Screen 900

Name Price Part Number Image
Svelte Glass clamp assembly £17.04 SV0000029 Magnify
Svelte End part(LH) £1.27 SV0000064 Magnify
Svelte End part(RH) £1.27 SV0000067 Magnify
Svelte Wall frame sealing strip £3.64 SV0000091 Magnify
Svelte Bottom waterproof strip £1.34 SV0000092 Magnify
Svelte Waterproof barrier bar £3.20 SV0000093 Magnify
Svelte Side waterproof strip £5.46 SV0000094 Magnify
Svelte Bottom profile £2.26 SV0000095 Magnify